Electra Lane

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Resolutions Worth Keeping

I’ve shared it before, but the best time to start New Year’s resolutions is March.

Holidays (and Valentine’s candy) are gone, it’s getting (slightly) warmer, and I know I’m increasingly motivated to be a more active human when I’m not stuck to my couch watching all the football. So, if you want to join me, here are some ways I’m finally getting things rolling in 2024.


If you follow me on Instagram, you know working out and movement are important parts of my daily life. I had hip reconstruction several years ago, so it’s not something I take for granted.

Diet is a different story. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was a young child, but my husband has really helped me find a solution that works for me: I know I have 21 meals a week to fuel my body. The goal for weight loss is to have at least 18 of those meals used as fuel, with a few fun meals thown in. Because YOLO. The math isn’t straight-forward because I might fuel on two meals and eat three slices of pizza and two chicekn tenders for the third - I don’t overthink it.

So, on fuel days, I get a sticker to put on our calendar. If I want to lose the extra pounds added from Christmas cookies at every meal, I need to hit 5 stars a week. If I want to maintain, I aim for four stars. It’s literally that simple.

Stress Management

This is a tough one and I’m still working on it, but the biggest thing I’ve learned, like, really put into my bones, is stressing doesn’t get anything done more quickly or efficiently. In fact, it usually makes things much more difficult. I literally printed a sticker for my latptop screen that says, “STRESSING WON’T MAKE IT EASIER.” So, one action I’ve taken is to allot one hour a day to working out - my ultimate therapy - but to make sure one of those days is for Yin yoga, stretching, and rolling my muscles. I really look forward to the break so I can come back stronger physically and mentally.

Also, having fun is a big priority this year because my husband and I both are terrible at finding time for fun. We’ve set small goals like going out for at least a drink once a week, but the bigger idea is to not feel bad about taking time a away from the grind. There is always work to be done, but life is short and we only get one, so it’s up to us to enjoy it.

Saving Money

One of my clients is in finance so I’m acutely aware of not only the current financial market, but what’s on the horizon. Since we’re trying not to stress (see above), we need to find a new house this summer (see below), and we’re trying to have more fun (see above), this one’s a doozy.

I believe time is money, so I automate what I can. We started getting two meals a week from Factor Meals (that’s my referral link), and I batch cook what I can when I can, like making a giant pot of veggie soup for lunches. Since we have a very tiny, inefficient laundry unit, so I send out the bulk of our laundry each week. This has saved me HOURS. And, especially when it comes to the food, prepared meals mean less waste.

When it comes to going out, I’m a cheap date. We often turn a dog walk into cocktail hour or take PB&Js to this picnic area near the airport and watch the planes take off. I’ve found that, almost as much as the event itself, I love having something to look forward to, so it doesn’t have to be expensive to feel luxurious.

Pro tip: a priceless gift my husband and I give one another is a night of uninturrupted sleep. One of us gets the bedroom, the other throws a slumber party downstairs with the pups. It’s unreal what one night of good sleep can do!

You know I never pay full price for makeup (PS the Sephora sale is coming next month), and at the very least I search for coupons while earning cash back from Rakuten. I’ve found that doing wardrobe/personal care/homewares/etc. inventory once a quarter helps me see what I need to buy. I make a note of this in my phone, and cross it off when I find a good deal.

Brand + Self Image

I’ve learned you don’t need to know how to get where you’re going as long as you know where you want to go and accept that you might end up somewhere better entirely.

This is why I’m not really into “manifesting” and “moodboarding” like the TikTok girlies; if you spend all your time thinking about what you want, you’ll never take the (sometimes scary) actions to get there. In the words of Britney, “You better work, b!tch.”

So, instead, I took some time to find style and personality icons (Victoria Beckham and Dolly Parton, respectively). I’ve figured out what my ideal schedule is. Then I look at the realities of my life and make them all fit. I’m still working on it, but I’ve decided there’s no reason I can’t design a life I love.


This plan has taken me years to develop because it’s been a lot of trial-and-error to find something sustainable, but the trade-off is finding peace and freedom every day. Life is too short to spend it not living like it’s a priviledge to do so, and I just want to squeeze out everything I can in a realistic manner.

Let me know what your resolutions are, how they’re going, and what sustainable tips you’ve learned along the way. Appreciate you, mean it. -JY