Electra Lane

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Welcome to 2016!

Hello again! It feels like a only few short weeks was forever ago.  I truly hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and that you're refreshed and ready to tackle 2016.

So before Thanksgiving, I hinted about two announcements. The first is that we're moving back to D.C., but there's still a lot up in the air - when we'll move, where exactly we'll live, etc. - so that one isn't very cool.

{favorite decorations}

The other, though, is that I'm having hip surgery in a few weeks. After 17 years of ballet, my body is falling apart and, after four years of many different injuries and treatments, we've finally traced everything back to my hip. This is great news, and, as one of my doctors says, my life is about to "change radically" in a good way.  I'll go more in-depth on this topic later in the month.

What it means for my business, and for this blog, though, is that I'll have to take a little more time off.  To prepare, I'll upload several posts in advance but if I go missing, it's because I'm choosing to focus on healing and rehab - and I'll be back!

{Tradition: A making whoopie pies from scratch}

The blog will also be going through some changes as I will offer new types of content because - let's get real - I won't physically be able to schlep all the stuff necessary to produce a post for a while.

{New tradition: shortbread reindeer}

But I also want to make sure you're seeing content you want, so get a hold of me on social media - @ElectraLane or ElectraLane on Facebok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope, and search "Electra Lane Channel" on YouTube - to let me know what topics interest you.  You'll also see real-time updates and shenanigans on those formats, especially Snapchat, so please follow me there.

{this happened}

I hope you've enjoyed my photos from the holidays - it was definitely a memorable season, and I am beyond ready to start the new year.

P.S. Be on the look out for the year's first Friday Flash on YouTube!