Date Night in March 2021

This time last year, I was supposed to be on a plane to Hawaii.

My husband finally got a cool job perk where he “had” to go on a three-week business trip, and I was going to meet him for a few days. Well, that trip didn’t happen…

With the world quickly changing, we decided to get in one, possibly last date for a while. We’re in Washington, DC where things hadn’t started shutting down yet so it was safe as far as anyone knew. And it was the last time we went out for months, so I’m glad we did.

Pics or it didn’t happen…last “normal” date night in 2020

Pics or it didn’t happen…last “normal” date night in 2020


This weekend we’re going out for a rare-for-these-times date since many places are at vastly decreased capacity and we support our local restaurants with plenty of takeout. Maybe it’s just me, but do you feel an increased pressure to look * fly * since we’re not out and about? You might be out and about and I might be a hermit. Anyway, I was inspired by a recent Shonagh Scott YouTube tutorial and wanted to create my own version for this weekend.
