Electra Lane's Favorite Beauty Tools
My cousin, Morgan (shout out!), texts me: “I searched and searched your website and cannot find which eyelash curler to get!.”
Oops. :)
While I do have a list of products you might want to include in your makeup arsenal, I don’t list name brands.
There are two reasons for this.
First, just because something works for me doesn’t mean it will work for you. We all apply makeup differently based on several factors, so I’d hate for you to spend time and money on my favorite bronzer brush to only be disappointed.
Second, we all have different budgets. I know some who wouldn’t be caught with a Real Techniques brush, while others who need to get as much bang for their buck as possible. I’m fortunate to get makeup artist discounts on most of my makeup, I’ve amassed a fantastic kit over the years, plus I know how to work sales in my favor (more on that HERE).
Furthermore, as someone who grew up with very limited means, I cannot stand when folks share lists of high-end items against their lower-priced counterparts. It just makes me feel slimy and like the budget buys are less-than…which couldn’t be further from the truth.
SO…I’m sharing my favorites below, and HERE is the link to shop. I’m giving you high- and low-end items because they work on me and on my clients. If you’d like suggestions for other items within a category, please feel free contact me or DM me on Instagram @ElectraLane!
Quickly, make sure you’re subscribed to the Electra Lane Extra, our monthly newsletter. You don’t want to miss this month’s free makeup lesson, it’s a good one. Appreciate you, mean it. -JY