Two years ago, I had hip surgery after 17 years of dance and 10 years (!!!) of random injuries (if you want to read my story, it's right HERE).
The road to healing isn't easy, but I've found something that has made me stronger physically and mentally: Pilates. And if you're near Old Town Alexandria in Virginia, please check out my favorite studio of all time, Vikriya Lab - you'll be really sore but you won't be disappointed (ha!).
I love waking up at 5:20 am every Monday to make my 6:00 am Pilates class with Laura Rose. It sets my week up for success (because if you can make it through one of her classes, you've done well for yourself) and my workout for the day is over before the sun rises.
But that's what works for me. If you are looking to cash in on those New Year's resolutions of taking better care of yourself, find ways to move your body that also brings you joy. You will never catch me in a CrossFit box, but Barre3 class? Sign me up (also adore my Alexandria Barre3 studio!). Just move.
Barre3 in Old Town Alexandria
And so...
It can be difficult to carve out time to exercise - because it's not just the exercise, it's the driving, the showering, the blow drying of the hair. In fact, I don't know too many people who actually look forward to working out, but most everyone is happy that they did work out. And remember, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, you won't stick with it. Good luck on your fitness journey!