Glowing Makeup for Oily Skin


The whole thing with makeup is that it’s supposed to give you the face you want (within reason).

So when you have oily skin, I don’t like it when it’s just assumed that the only way to do your makeup is to matte everything down with a bucket of powder, mattifying primers, etc.


Years ago, makeup artist and YouTuber Wayne Goss shared a video showing how to put powder under your foundation to really lock it in. So I took it a step farther and created a “powder sandwich” that will not only take care of excess skin oils, but also give you a gorgeous glow.


The key is to buff in a glowing powder, or even a powder highlighter, as your first layer, then foundation, then setting powder.

Depending on your skin, you still might have to blot throughout the day, but you should be set (no pun intended) against turning into a shiny disco ball (unless that’s what you like…I do!).


You can shop all the products on my Like to Know It page, and check out the tutorial below to learn all the tips and techniques!