There are several types of false lashes. You have extensions, which are individual hairs permanently glued to your real lashes (well...until your real lashes grow and/or shed and they fall off - yes, this is, by far, the most expensive and time-intensive option); individual lashes, which are usually one to three hairs with the same starting point; cluster lashes, a few individual clusters; and strip lashes, probably the most recognizable faux lash, where you have several lashes attached to a thin strip that spans your entire upper lash line. Today, we're going to chat about the strips.
Before we go there, though, I have a massive and somewhat shameful confession that I need to get off of my chest...
*takes deep breath*
...while I'm great with putting lashes of any sort on other people, I have never been able to put strip lashes on myself.
Until now. I have to thank to Marissa and Elizabeth at Stylists at North, aka my incredibly wonderful salon, for graciously hosting a "Lips and Lashes" master class.
This was such a wonderful experience - not just because I was able to learn from super talented makeup artists - but because I am no longer intimidated by strip lashes. If you're in the D.C. area, you need to come to one of their master classes! Follow them @StylistsAtNorth for all the info.
I put together the video below so you can learn my favorite tips and watch the whole experience, but here are the top three:
- Put a mirror below you and look down while applying the lashes, that way your hand doesn't get into your line of vision
- I always measured my faux lashes based on my actual lash line (which I never to for clients - I measure based on what looks best, duh...), but a great guideline is to keep the inner corner at the inner rim of the iris and the outer corner where the white of your eye ends (you'll see this in the video)
- Take care where you trim your lashes. Again, when I'm putting lashes on someone else this is a no-brainer, but for me, I just automatically trimmed the outer corner. You have to pay attention to the shape of the lash to determine from what side you trim (if you need to trim at all) so you don't interfere with the shape of the lash.
Please enjoy this tutorial, and you can find several how-to videos on my YouTube channel.
Thank you kindly for stopping by! -JY