Cheap Thrills: How to Prevent Wrinkles
My Granny told me, when I was very young, to wash my face, use moisturizer and don’t touch my face. So when I turned 10, I freaked out that I’d hit double digits and started using Oil of Olay. And I am SO grateful. But before we go on…
Please know that when I talk about ageing and wrinkles, I do so with a deep reverence. All my thoughts on that were expressed in last week’s post, and I want it to be clear that I wholeheartedly believe “age is a privilege denied to many.”
Also, it feels snobby to be like, “Look at my wrinkle-free skin!” It’s not, and I get forehead/crow’s feet Botox twice a year. I HAVE, however, put an enormous amount of time and effort into my skin. I’m very proud of that, mainly because we only get one set and it’s something that, to me, is worth protecting. Just passing along what I’ve learned!
Okay. So. A few facts before we get started.
The only way to really get rid of wrinkles is with a doctor’s intervention. We’re going to focus on not creating new wrinkles.
That said, they’re impossible to prevent because if you move your face, you’ll eventually get wrinkles.
Try not to touch/tug/pull/rub your skin. Facial massage is great, but only if you’re sliding over the skin and massaging the muscles underneath. You’ll notice when I do my makeup that the skin rarely moves - that’s because I’m trying to prevent wrinkles.
Everyone’s skin is different, and the stuff I’m talking about doesn’t take care of skin LAXITY. Gravity is gonna do what it’s gonna do and that’s a different topic.
This stuff takes discipline but it does work. Unfortunately there’s no magic pill to make us look 10 years younger no matter what makeup marketers say, that’s why they call it ageing GRACEFULLY. :)
Before the video, HERE IS THE LINK to shop my product recommendations. Thanks, by the way, for shopping my links because I get a teeny commission that helps run this blog!
Without further ado, let’s do this.