We are living in an unprecedented time, and folks are getting creative with how to handle life’s biggest events. Including brides. From having to postpone their already-planned weddings, to halting the planning process, to hosting intimate-yet-socially-distanced ceremonies with big receptions TBD, brides are learning new ways to celebrate.
At the beginning of March, I planned on releasing a special Bridal Tool Kit. In fact, as I type this, I still have the original title in place from the March 4th draft. Of course, COVID-19 hit and made this not only seem trivial, but also insensitive to the brides who are overcoming so much right now. And then there’s the fact that people are suffering and dying from a novel virus, so who cares about wedding makeup?
But, because humans are awesome and the world continues to turn, so many have figured out how to embrace the current normal and celebrate love. When life seems overwhelming, we tend to dig in and find ways to help. I’m not a doctor, but I am an expert at helping women feel beautiful by teaching them to be their own makeup artists.
So, I’m giving out an abbreviated version of this bridal beauty worksheet for free throughout the quarantine.
Please forward this post to your bride friends, or have them email me at jessica@electralane.com. I’ll post this on Instagram (@ElectraLane), so please feel free to share on your socials. Speaking of Instagram, I saved a highlight called “Big Day Prep,” plus several IGTV videos with tips, tricks and full makeup looks to help you or your friends get ready for the big day.
Sending love and hugs! Please let me know if you used and/or liked this worksheet, or if you have other ideas for how I can help.