
Sheet Masks 101


If you've wondered why a bunch of people on social media are running around looking like Hannibal Lecter, let me explain. Korean skincare is pretty much the standard; Korean women have some of the most beautiful skin you've ever seen thanks to skincare routines with 11 steps or more. While we tend to look at a face mask as a maybe-weekly indulgence, cleansing, toning, masks, and facial massage are just a few among the many daily rituals performed. I had the pleasure of studying with a beautiful facialist from Korea, and she taught me that we only get one set of skin so we must take impeccable care of it.

Just like the recent commercial burst of Eastern health practices (yoga, Ayurveda, meditation...) , Eastern skincare is having its bright and shiny moment. With so many great skincare options popping up everywhere, including the corner drugstore, now is the perfect time to reinvent your own skincare routine - and sheet masks are a fantastic way to start.

Like a regular mask, a sheet mask delivers a hefty dose of potent ingredients to the deep layers of the skin. Unlike a regular mask, however, a sheet mask also provides a protective barrier so that the air doesn't absorb any of the moisture you want in your skin, and basically pushes all the good stuff deeper into your skin.

When should you use a sheet mask? As a part of your morning or evening skincare routine, before a night out, as a weekly refresh for your skin, or any time you need a little pick-me-up. Each mask has a different purpose, so if you want to brighten, tighten, lighten or hydrate, there's a mask for that.

I found an amazing company called FaceTory that offers a mask subscription service - I get 4 masks a month for just under $6 (which is amazing since a Sephora brand mask is $6 for one!). If you'd like to try any of their products or sign up for a subscription, here's a link for 10% off:

Finally, I put together a little demo to show you just how to use a sheet mask. Please check it out and give it a *like* if you enjoyed it. Also, don't forget to subscribe to this blog so you never miss new tips, products, and makeup insider info. See you next week!

Better Skin on a Budget


I LOVE me some La Mer. I've tried to break up with it several times, but I always come back because it's that. good. It has completely transformed my skin, and both the original moisturizer (there are several versions for various skin types) and the lip balm continue to amaze me even after seven years. Plus, people constantly comment on how great my skin looks, so I know it's not just me trying to justify the price tag. Speaking of the price tag, La Mer is insanely expensive. I get that. And I get very annoyed when bloggers post something that most people can't afford (i.e. their 5th Chanel bag), then add, "but here are some affordable options," as if to say, "I'm rich, but you're poor so here's something for you peasants." AmIright? Although I won't begrudge someone for how she or he chooses to spend their money, I know we all make decisions regarding what works for us and our budgets - and skincare is where I choose to invest.

And, full disclosure, I used to work for La Mer. I researched the line for years, and it was on my One Day When I Have Extra Disposable Income list (along with Louboutins and a Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM...still hoping for those), so I never planned on using the products this soon. But, then, I saw the results, and I've never turned back.

However, if you're never ever in a million years going to spend this amount on skin care (which is totally understandable), I have rounded up three dupes that are only a fraction of the price and still produce results.

Lip Balm

Never would I have ever thought that lip balm would be such an important part of my skincare regimen, but whenever I run out of it my lips dry out and skin starts falling of in sheets. I love La Mer lip balm because not only does it penetrate to heal and plump your lips, it also protects so you just apply it twice a day (more here at the 5:50 mark). But, it's $60.

Enter Korres Lip Balm in Guava, I get it from Sephora. At only $12, it is very hydrating and buttery. Unlike the La Mer, you have to apply it more often and it has a very glossy finish. They have a couple of flavors with pigment, so this would be an amazing, moisturizing gloss to use throughout the day. Another option in stick form is the lip balm from Treat Beauty.


If my clients purchased one product from the line, it was the original Creme de la Mer moisturizer. I've dabbled with the Soft Cream, but I always come back to the OG. Like the lip balm (and all La Mer products), it's dual action: it heals your skin from the inside out while protecting the top layers of skin from outside irritants. This moisturizer was created to heal chemical burns, so think about how much it repairs and replenishes normal skin. But it starts at $170 for one ounce (which lasts around seven months using once a day). So let me introduce you to TruKid Easy Eczema Cream for $15, available at

While this product doesn't heal and protect my skin, it absolutely does hydrate it - I love to mix it with a few drops of skin oil and use it as my night cream. It's meant to be used on the entire body, too, so it's great for dry winter skin.

Eye Cream

I saved the best for last, because this product is so good that it made me ditch my La Mer The Eye Concentrate! The Eye Concentrate is focused on reducing signs of ageing, which it does beautifully, but it absolutely knocks out dark circles. Unfortunately, the price rapidly keeps going up and up, so I began a relentless search for a replacement.

Enter Miraculous Anti-Wrinkle Retinoid Eye Repair by Philosophy (mine is from Sephora):

It doesn't hydrate as well as the La Mer, but that's an easy fix because I layer my aforementioned night cream concoction on top. It also does not obliterate my hereditary and allergy-induced dark circles, sadly. However, there are so many great concealers now that I can cover up the circles. What it does do, and in my opinion better than La Mer, is firm the skin around my eyes - most likely due to the retinol.


If you're interested in the other skincare products I use, here is my morning routine and my nighttime skincare. Keep in touch on Facebook or Instagram for more tips and tricks or to ask questions, and have a great week!

Evening Skincare Routine


It's time for bed. You're exhausted. The last thing you want to do is wash your face, so you just go to sleep.  No big. But you get into this routine, and start to notice that your skin is looking dull, your pores are large, you have little wrinkles around your eyes, and your face dropped what seems like a few inches. Oh, and there's a huge zit on your forehead.  No pun intended, but this is your wake up call that you need a solid nighttime skincare routine! It sucks, but I promise if you push through, you'll wake up to bright, plump skin. I've finally found a great routine that works for my skin, and I rarely wear foundation any more. Remember the basic formula:




Eye Cream


Lip Balm

This might excite you, but this might feel like one. more. thing. you have to do in an already overstuffed day. If you're the latter, remember that the most important thing in skincare is a routine - meaning something you can keep up with - and you can't form a routine if you feel overwhelmed. At the very least, invest in a good cleanser and a good moisturizer. Keep that up every day and every night, and you will see results!

Here's what I do to my skin every night. Occasionally I'll add in a mask or peel if I need it, but usually I just stick to this. Enjoy, and I'll see you next week!


Morning Skincare Routine


Good morning! I'm a morning person (who appreciates a good sleep-in every once in a while). But even if you relate more to my puppies Clark and Kent...

...a quick a.m. routine will wake up your skin and keep you looking fresh all day.

I think any solid, anti-ageing skincare routine includes masks, chemical and/or manual exfoliation, and following this basic pattern (day or night):




Eye Cream


Lip Balm

It also takes a lot of trial-and-error as well as giving your skin what it needs - which might be different seasonally, monthly (think: hormones), or even daily. I like to think of my array of serums, masks and treatments as a medicine cabinet - you don't need flu medicine for a headache, just like you wouldn't use a chemical peel on already irritated skin that needs some TLC.

Let me say, too, that the products that work for my skin might not work for yours. I've been at this for a long, long time (When I turned 10, the *exact* thought I had was, "Well, I've hit double digits. Better start taking care of my skin." Not joking.), and I know how my skin works and I can tell what "mood" it's in. What I'm here to share is 1. a great foundation upon which you can build your own routine, and 2. hopefully introduce you to some new products.

Next week I'll share my nighttime routine, but for now, please enjoy this #IWokeUpLikeThis moment!

Super Skincare and Glorious Glosses


You know how you picture something in your head, and then you get it in real life, but your imagination was better? This happens so often with makeup. A company launches an exciting new product, I get a sample, and am so let down.

But, every so often, companies launch new product lines that surpass expectations.

Here are two launches, one skincare and one makeup, that blew my mind in a great way.

Glossier The Supers


Whether your purchase one serum or all three, you will not be disappointed. These serums work, and their price is on point - $28 each or all three for $65. Not sure which one to pick? Think about skincare like vitamins: sometimes you need more vitamin C if you're sick or iron if you're tired. Likewise, you can use serums to combat different issues on a case-by-case basis or to address a specific concern daily.

The Super Bounce is for a hydration boost (something to think about now that we're headed into colder months), Super Glow is brightening, and Super Pure is for angry, irritated skin. Another option is to add a few drops of your preferred serum into your moisturizer to create a killer night cream. Use this link to get 20% off your first purchase (which does give me a small kickback - thank you!).

NARS Velvet Lip Glide

Image c/o

Never a fan of liquid lipsticks no matter how many I've tried, I didn't even know this was technically a liquid lipstick. I thought it was a matte lip gloss. But, like the website states, this product truly "glides like a gloss, cloaks like a lipstick - and feels like nothing else." Holy wow. It feels like a satin lipstick; while it is matte, it doesn't feel dry and flaky, and it applies like a gloss. My favorite colors are Stripped, a nude, and Unlaced, a light pink. So yummy, definitely check these out.

Please stay in touch @ElectraLane on Instagram, and never miss a post by subscribing to this blog. Have a great week!




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