The Best Makeup is a S...



I realize that as a makeup artist I’m supposed to get jazzed about doing something exciting with makeup for Halloween, and if someone wants me to turn them into a deer (because apparently that’s the big thing this year) I would be more than happy to do so, but I just can’t.  Perhaps I’m a Hallo-wuss.  And if we went to a Halloween ball or major costume party, I feel like the transformation would be worth it.  But, for the times when we’re only catering to little gobblins begging for sugar, I like to keep it simple. Last year, I was cat woman by utilizing a mask, fantastic lashes and a red lip:



This year, my husband and I will be Zach and Kelly from Saved by the Bell, and I’m looking forward to 80’s cheerleader glam.  A simple brown lid (Cork) and cranberry gloss is all I need (except for that sweet original brick phone!).  I'll add a little tease to my bangs, throw in a few "likes" and "totally-s" into my vocabulary, and we're set.


In case you need some legit last-minute inspiration, Cara of Maskcara put together an incredible list of phenomenal Halloween looks.  Enjoy all that candy, and Happy Halloween!



Dirty Thirty


Today is my 30th birthday.  And I am going to party like it’s my birthday. 097

Husband is taking me to NYC.  It’s where I turned 20 because I lived there at the time, and I suspect I’ll turn 40 there…and 50…unless we move back and I spend every birthday there…we shall see.  Anyway, I’ll be gorging myself on all the food I so miss eating, and maybe mix in some new things like a cronut.  We’ll also catch On the Town (husband’s first Broadway show!) and just meander around my old haunts.  I love New York in the fall.


For night-out makeup I’ll do a smokey eye with warm browns (NARS duo in Surabya) and my favorite nude lip (Armani Beige 100), but I’ll keep it fresh for the day. And since 30 is (at least supposed to be) a milestone birthday, I’ve decided to work on this list.  Here’s what I have so far…

Go-To Drink:


Go-To Karaoke Song:

I don't do karaoke, but I'm one heck of a backup dancer


A tee and jeans with a statement necklace or scarf / pencil skirt and blouse / shift dress and heels

Hair Stylist I Love:

In VA, Sean at Gabba Gabba.  In MD, Leslie at GLOW.

Exercise Routine:

Running and ballet/pilates/yoga 4-6 times a week


Makeup. Duh.

Best Friend:


Healthy Sense of Self:

Still working on it, but I’m happy with me.  It’s been a hard-fought battle, but all things considered, I have nothing but gratitude for the past 30 years and hope for the next 30 (and beyond).



Electra Lane is a makeup business, and this is a makeup blog, but please please please know that makeup isn’t essential to being or feeling beautiful. Makeup is fun and therapeutic for me, but I don’t need it. I know this because I don’t feel bad or self-conscious if I go out without makeup…which, trust me, wasn’t always the case. We all have things we want to change about ourselves. My face is so very asymmetrical, I have an oddly long forehead, and don’t even get me started on my nose. Loving makeup or taking pride in your appearance doesn’t make you vain – obsessing over it does.  Anyway, whenever you don’t feel like you don’t measure up, just remember this:

Take your makeup off. Let your hair down.  Take a breath.  Look into the mirror at yourself.  Don’t you like you?  ‘Cause I like you.”

Try ~Colbie Caillat



Photo courtesy of


So Fresh and So Clean


There’s a misconception that your everyday makeup brushes need to be washed all the time. While I keep a brush cleaner  on hand for daily (think gel eyeliner brushes) or weekly (bronzer brush) cleansing, I only do the whole shampoo-and-water scenario once a month. I start by dividing my brushes into groups, from biggest to smallest, then fill a sink with a little warm water.


Although I’ve tried many different detergents, my favorite is Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap because it gets the brushes very clean, it disinfects, and leaves them soft and smelling amazing. I add a little of the soap to the sink and swirl around until there’s a little foam.


Next, I dip each brush into the soapy water, gently massaging the bristles until the water runs clear. After I finish with that group of brushes, the dirty water is drained and each brush is rinsed under cool running water.


I do this for each group of brushes then reshape the bristles and lay the brushes out flat on a towel to dry overnight.


Good Skin Part II


After posting about the roller coaster that was my skin, I had some requests for my green smoothie recipe. As I stated earlier, I was introduced to the “Glowing Green Smoothie” through Kimberly Snyder, and her recipe can be found here.

My recipe makes four 16-oz. smoothies, and my husband and I both drink at least one a day.  One smoothie used to not fill me up, so I’d have some oatmeal on the side, or add flax or chia seeds directly into the blender, but now just the fiber from the fruits and greens is enough.

Also, please know that I am, in no way, shape or form, a nutritionist/nutritional coach/dietitian/etc. – just someone who wants to be healthy – so always ask a health professional before starting or changing your diet plan!


ELn Skin Saver Smoothie:

10 ounces organic greens (usually spinach or kale)

3 cups of filtered water

Juice from one lemon

½ cup orange juice (ish, I just fill it up to the 3.5-cup mark on my blender)

Blend until smooth (unless you have a super-powered blender, then you can throw everything in at once)

1 ripe banana

½  cup organic frozen berries (the fruit doesn't need to be frozen, it's just easier for me)

Blend until smooth

Pour into four 16-oz jars

Keeps in the fridge for up to four days

Sometimes I’ll swap the banana for an avocado or the berries for frozen mango, peaches, or pineapple – if you’re feeling feisty, an avocado/pineapple mix with a little fresh cilantro and a dash of cayenne powder is delicious.  Have fun experimenting, and let me know if you have any skin breakthroughs.  Enjoy!